We’re working to reform Washington’s jaywalking laws and protect pedestrians

It’s time to end harmful jaywalking enforcement in Washington!

Jaywalking enforcement doesn’t protect pedestrians from getting hit by cars; disproportionately impacts Black and unhoused people; and is an inefficient use of police resources.

Data Shows Jaywalking Enforcement Disproportionately Impacts Black And Unhoused People

A first-of-its-kind research report reveals that Black pedestrians are stopped by police across Washington for jaywalking at an average rate over four times that of their share of the population, and unhoused residents represent at least 41% of those impacted by jaywalking stops in Washington.

How We Got Here

More than a century ago, Spokane, Washington, passed an anti-jaywalking law in 1918 that made crossing the street outside a designated crosswalk a punishable offense. A decade later, most cities and towns across Washington state enacted similar laws criminalizing jaywalking.


The term “jaywalking” started as a slur meaning an unintelligent, rural person who didn’t know how to navigate city life.

Have you or someone you know been impacted by jaywalking enforcement?

We’re looking for Washingtonians who’ve been stopped for jaywalking and want to share their stories.

3 Reasons to Reform Jaywalking Laws in Washington


Contrary to popular belief, jaywalking enforcement doesn’t keep pedestrians safe.


Race informs who gets stopped for jaywalking.


Ending jaywalking enforcement preserves public resources.

PLACES that Have Reformed Their Jaywalking Laws


Join our efforts to reform jaywalking laws in Washington by endorsing the Free to Walk Washington campaign, signing up for action alerts, or sharing your jaywalking story with us!

Raise your voice.

Share your thoughts on why YOU think it’s time for Washington to reform its jaywalking laws using the hashtag, #FreetoWalkWA.


ACLU of Washington logo
Environmental Works Community Design Center
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Stop the Sweeps Seattle logo
Whatcom County Democrats

Join us in the fight to reform Washington’s jaywalking laws and protect pedestrians